Saturday, October 4, 2008

My New Job

I'm so excited because I was just offered a job at

where I will be working with the

as a new health coach! I don't start training for a couple more weeks, but I'm really excited to begin! After training I'll get to work from home since all of my contact will be over the phone! It'll be perfect!


Andrea Ingersoll said...

What? I had no idea they offered the job to you...although I'm not surprised! That's awesome...especially to work from home! Congrats - you're the best!!!

The Batty Bunch said...

I am so excited I came across you blog. Now I can see cute stuff about your family that we miss in church. Your girls are so DARLING. Congrats on the new job.

cherilyn said...


Sarah Turpin said...

Congrats!! I knew you would get it even without your suit jacket :)

Cormorant said...

Congrats Chel! It sounds like a great set-up as far as working from home. I do it too, so I know how nice it is. Honestly, though, it was a hard adjustment at first and I found it's easiest to really schedule "work" time and "home" time or else I'd get distracted. Now I love it. You'll find your groove! Good luck and congrats again.