Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mom!

My Mom's birthday is tomorrow, but we celebrated a little early this week. On Monday my family went to dinner at Olive Garden. We had so much fun! Thank goodness Andrea was there to snap pictures of some of our favorite moments!

My Mom is an amazing woman. She's an awesome example of hard work, selflessness, and love. She always supports us in whatever we do and encourages us to be better. She makes an effort to include everyone. We love her so much and wouldn't know what to do without her! Happy Birthday, Mom!


Andrea Ingersoll said...

hahaha that was fun! gracie was making me laugh so dang hard. she is a funny, spooky baby

Jen said...

Those pictures of Gracie were cracking me up! She looks like she has a killer personality.

Mark and Mel said...

Looks like you guys had a fun dinner with your mom! Yes, your mom is amazing, I agree! Glad you could all celebrate together.

So I am no pro by any means, but she's wearing the thicker panties/training pants all day except for naps/bedtime when I put on a pull-up. If I have to run an errand I either put on a pull-up or put on these really thick supposedly water-proof panties. I try to have her sit every hour and we just read books. It's definitely going better than it did with Halle, but I am always amazed when people say their kids have actually been potty-trained in a day. We are so far from there!

Marianne & Clayton said...

I know I said this before, but seriously! Was it your mom's 34th birthday? I would ask if your dad remarried a trophy wife, but you look too much like her.

Natalie Warner said...

Oh my goodness!! It's great to hear from you two. We were just thinking about you the other day when we busted out Canasta. Your family is adorable! Your youngest looks just like you Michelle! WOW!! I guess if I poke around a little more on your website I will find out where you live and more about your family. Your blog is darling!!! (Natalie & Andy Warner)

Brandon and Lindsay said...

So...when are you going to post again?

Brandon and Lindsay said...

What the heck I thought I had already left a comment! Am I losing it?!?! That was the funniest night ever. Gracie's little personality is just shinin through!