Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summertime . . . and the livin's easy.

Saturday was our first visit to the pool for the year! We had so much fun! Gracie tripped head first into the water about 5 times. And it took Ash about an hour to warm up to the water again. But after that, she was going down the slides and splashing in the water.
We had a lot of fun with Andrea and Lindsay, too!
C-ya next week - same time- same place!


Andrea Ingersoll said...

Sweet you did lots of blog updates. Aren't those pictures of them adorable? They always look so cute; I love taking pictures of them!

Brandon and Lindsay said...

I love those pictures of the girls! They look adorable. Thanks goodness for Ange with her camera!

Sarah Turpin said...

oh I love those days at the pool. Can you believe that was a year ago we had our passes to 7 peaks!?! I wish we could do that again this year, maybe next summer.