Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Accomplishing the Impossible

Well for some it doesn't seem impossible, but for me it seemed like my college classes would never end and I'd be a perma-student forever! But I've finally seen that college does come to an end. On Friday I completed my internship and thus earned a bachelor degree in Community Health from UVU. And it only took 7 years, 2 kids, and 3 colleges to do it! Thanks to Matt for brining me these gorgeous flowers on Friday (the picture doesn't do them justice), and for everyone who helped me through! I had tons of awesome babysitters that I couldn't have gone to school without. So ThAnK YoU!


Tara said...

Congrats! That is so wonderful that you were able to finish! Such a huge accomplishment!

mary said...

WaHoo!!! I didn't know you had already finished! You are amazing! I have never understood how you could do all you have been doing with kids and a husband! I am so impressed! There is no way I could do it! Congrats!!!!!

Andrea Ingersoll said...

Congrats Chel. You're amazing!

Heather said...

I'm so happy for you!!! Congrats and your flowers look pretty!

Katie Lane said...

Yay Michelle! Congratulations!! You're so good to get it done despite having kids running around. The feeling of being done is the best ever isn't it?!

Natalie said...

WooHoo!! What an accomplishment!

Sarah Turpin said...

Congrats!! you are awesome! I have always looked up to you. I know it wasn't easy but you really did it! hip hip horray!

Cormorant said...


I am SOOO proud of you, Chel! I know that school+family is not an easy task, so I really admire you for sticking with it and completing your degree. What a example you are to women everywhere, and especially--your sweet daughters. I'm so happy for you and so glad to know such a great gal!

cherilyn said...

yes, WAY TO GO!

Brandon and Lindsay said...

What the heck?? I swear I left a message last time I was on...I guess not! I think I am losing it...Anyway, CONGRATS! I'm soooo happy and proud of you =)

Marianne & Clayton said...

Seriously awesome!!! You are so inspiring!

Ashley said...

Congratulations! That is awesome you made it. I know I was really excited to finish so enjoy!