Sunday, August 3, 2008

Uncle Jay

On Saturday we got the heartbreaking news that Jay is gone. He went hiking in the Lakeside mountains on the west side of the Great Salt Lake early Wednesday morning because he was missing his son, Riley. Riley is serving an LDS mission in Sweden and has been there a total of 4 days now. This particular spot he went to was his and Riley's favorite spot. I found out he was missing on Friday morning when my Dad, Mom, my brother Matt and many others went searching for him. My husband, Matt, went out later in the day with men from my parents ward. They all searched so hard and so long without any results. Saturday morning came and there were even more volunteers to help find him. The news came in around 11am that someone had found his body. It appears that Jay had fall off a cliff very early on Wednesday morning. He still had all his water, insulin, and food untouched, although his mom said he had a candy wrapper in his hand when they found him. But since it was such a rugged, hot area, and his water was still sealed, his brothers said they believe it happened within 30 minutes of leaving his car. He had texted his wife, Marcie, that morning once he got to the top of the mountain to tell her where he was. Thankfully we know from that text where to look for him. Our hearts are breaking for his family of 6 children who will miss him so much. We're praying for Marcie to be comforted and to feel our love.

I'm very grateful today for the sealing ordinance that binds this family together throughout eternity. It's comforting to know that this is not the end of their lives together. I know that Heavenly Father's hand is in every experience we have and that He is watching over all his family and his friends right now.


Andrea Ingersoll said...

Very sweet....

Mark and Mel said...

Hey Chel-bels, Headie told me the news about your Uncle Jay last night and I couldn't sleep. My heart goes out to Marcie and the kids. But as you say, thank goodness for the gospel and the sealing ordinance. We are praying for their family during this difficult time.

Marianne & Clayton said...

We are so sorry for your family's loss. You are all in our prayers. Especially the poor missionary so far from home. Love you guys!

Heather said...

We were very sad when we heard the news. We hope your family is doing okay. Let us know if there's anything we could do to help.

mary said...

I am SO sorry to hear about your Uncle!!! I can't even imagine!! He looks so young and I can't even imagine what a trial this must be for all his family! You are right, thank goodness for the gospel!!! My prayers are with your family!!

cherilyn said...

that was nice of you to be at Marcie's to help out Saturday. you're such a sweetie.

Cormorant said...

Chel, I'm so sorry about your uncle. Please let your family know that we are praying for them to find comfort and peace.