Saturday, August 30, 2008

Quiz, anyone??

So I've been incredibly bored lately so all these quizzes and tags are more to alleviate the boredom than anything else. Here's a quiz I found on my cousin, Heather's. blog that I thought was fun. IT tells you which year you belong in!

You Belong in 1995
With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!
What Year Do You Belong In?

That's funny cuz 95' wasn't my greatest year.


Brandon and Lindsay said...

Ha ha that's cool! I'll have to try that one! 1995...lets were 12 years old right? You were in 6th grade always with Nikki Schouerhammer, Michelle Phillips, and Tawnya, and obsessed with Mr. Vance, even though you were in his class in 5th grade. That wasn't a bad year for you!

Mark and Mel said...

Haha, that's so funny! Leave it to Headie to find the cool quizzes, eh? :) So it was fun to see you while we were there! It's too bad we live so far. The girls had such a good time and I love spending time with your kiddos. They are so cute! Well, hope this next month speeds by so life can settle down for ya. Love and miss you!

Andrea Ingersoll said...

I took it and I was 1980. Figures.

Sarah Turpin said...

I am sorry I haven't seen your blog in a long time. It's so cute I love all the pictures you have!!I am so glad we finallyl got to hang out again. and we will be seeing each other alot!

Marianne & Clayton said...

I belong in 1955. That seems about right. I've always had a thing for James Gardner and wished I looked like Doris Day.