Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My New Baby

Meet the newest member of the family.

I think I'll call her Jet.


mary said...

NICE!!! I thought it belonged to a babysitter :) I love it!! You are a lucky girl!

Andrea Ingersoll said...

I love love love

Brandon and Lindsay said...

Cute! That's soooo nice. I'm jealous

Brandon and Lindsay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brandon and Lindsay said...

oops I'm getting all messed up here

Heather said...

I love your new car!!! Yes, let's get together soon after your intership. We ate at Jason's Deli the other day and I had fond memories of the last time I was there and we met up with you! So fun! :)

Marianne & Clayton said...


Cormorant said...

Fan-cy! And thanks for your sweetest bday note the other day. I LOVED reading it and it made me TOTALLY miss you! We need to get together sometime when your life slows down! Let me know...

Bale Family said...

Very nice! I bet it's fun to drive!