Sunday, August 10, 2008

Image Tag

I guess I'm tagging myself! I've seen this post on a few different blogs and wanted to do it to. What you do is put the answer to the question in a Google Image search and pick a picture from the first 3 pages of results. Here's what I found:

My first name: Michelle
I used to be obsessed with Michelle Williams because she was on Dawson's Creek!

My Middle Name: Egan.
Apparently this cat's name is Egan.

My Last Name: Cannon.
I thought about posting the obvious - a cannon - but I liked this picture of Cannon Beach better than a weapon.

My Age: 25
Well I don't really get this cartoon. Do you??

So far my favorite vacation spot was when I got to take Ashley and Gracie to Sea World.
But there are a lot of other places in the world I'd like to eventaully visit.

A Past Love: Devon Sawa
Holy cow did I love this boy!! I'm pretty sure I had this exact picture that I ripped from Teen Magazine or something hung in my room for years!

My College Major: Health Education

If I was going to do it all over -- I'd go to school to be an ultrasonographer.

Where did you grow up: Alpine, UT

Where do you live now: American Fork ,UT

A Past Pet: A Goat
Well, believe it or not, we actually had a goat for a bout a week when I was in high school. My sister, Erika, and I actually killed it. It was an accident- the poor little goat seemed to be getting ill and we overdosed it with Triaminic. My dad found it dead in the morning. It was really sad! No one should take care of animals when they really don't know what they're doing!! Too bad I don't even remember it's name.

A Friend's Nickname: T
I've called my friend Tawnya "T" for quite sometime. Her husband calls her that, too. It's just so much shorter than her real name.

My First Job: Kohler's
When I turned 16 I got my first job at Kohler's in Highland. It was horrible. I went to work at 3:30am until about 7, when I went home and slept forever. For the first couple weeks of the job, I was finishing up my sophmore year of high school. I was also the only girl on the freight crew, so I got hit on non-stop! It was really annoying back then - mostly because I was so shy. I also almost cut my whole finger off with a box cutter once. It wouldn't stop bleeding and my mom would keep waking me up during my morning nap to make sure I hadn't really passed out.

My Favorite Food: Chicken Scampi from Olive Garden
I love love love Olive Garden! Chicken Scampi is delicious! Especially paired with their salad and breadsticks! I think I know where I'm going to lunch tomorrow!!

My Favorite Color: Blue

But Ashley always says my favorite color is:

What I'm doing right now: Watching the Olympics!!
I love the Summer Olympics! Right now women's gymnastics is on! It's definitely one of my favorite events!

A Bad Habit: Staying Up Too Late
Well, I could really name several things here, but staying up too late and waking up too early is one of the worst! Especially when I'm staying up to do things like this post!!



Andrea Ingersoll said...

cute cute! Devin were the most obsessed person with him. I remembe like yesterday. What show was he on that we would watch over and over? I don't remember. Our poor little goat. Our family is the worst with animals!

Michelle said...


Brandon and Lindsay said...

Yours is so cute! It's so funny because right when I read the question of a past love...I totally thought of Devin Sawa for you. You were so obsessed with him... and JTT!! And the Hansens!! And John Michael Montgomery! ha ha you boy crazy wild animal