Sunday, August 10, 2008

Alpine Days Parade

Finally we made it to a parade this year!! We had SO MUCH fun at the Alpine Days parade! we walked down to the parade route with the fam from my parents house and got a sweet spot right at the beginning of the parade.

Once the sirens started, Ashley covered her ears. She's not a fan of loud noises.

But they watched pretty intently at all the passing floats.

We had so much candy thrown at us. Candy as well as water!! Me and my mom and brother got sooo wet! But the girls love the candy we got.

You can't really tell, but this bag is chuck full of candy -- mostly taffy which we'll just throw away.

Gracie loved riding in the stroller on the way home

while Ashley liked sitting on Grandpa's shoulders and rubbing is shaved head.


cherilyn said...

wow, quite the candy haul. lucky girls! they were so good, didn't even try to run off. glad you had fun.

mary said...

I love summer and all the fun parades!! Your girls are so cute! I can't believe they got that much candy! I love the picture of Ashley covering her ears- so cute!

Brandon and Lindsay said...

Cute pics! I wish I could have been there. It was fun meeting up with you guys after though! Did you find a car?? I also love the new pictures you put on the side describing the girls...they both fit their personalities perfectly!

Bale Family said...

How fun! Very cute pics! We didn't make it this yr. Next year for sure though. We still need to get together sometime. Will you email me your phone #. I don't think I have it.