Monday, May 31, 2010

The First of Many Graduations

Ashley and Gracie had an awesome expereience being in preschool this year. They loved being in class togetether, meeting new friends, and learning new things. But most of all they loved their teacher, Miss Sheryl. Sheryl is great with the kids and my girls have learned SO MUCH from her! I wish I had more pics and video from the graduation, but it just didn't work out! It's a long story.... :)

But we're excited for summer! And Ashley's so eager to start kindergarten in the fall (And I'm eager to go back to college in the fall) while Gracie gets another great dose of preschool. We're all growing up so fast!

1 comment:

Andrea Ingersoll said...

oh me goodness I do miss those two (and you of course). I can't believe ash will be in kindergarten. kinda makes me sad!!