Saturday, August 30, 2008

Quiz, anyone??

So I've been incredibly bored lately so all these quizzes and tags are more to alleviate the boredom than anything else. Here's a quiz I found on my cousin, Heather's. blog that I thought was fun. IT tells you which year you belong in!

You Belong in 1995
With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!
What Year Do You Belong In?

That's funny cuz 95' wasn't my greatest year.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Zoo

My mom watched Ashley and Gracie last week when I had to work later than usual. She took them to the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa Hansen.

The girls loved the Zoo! Thanks so much to my Mom and my grandparents for taking them!

Another Tag

Unfortunatley nothing camera worthy has happened lately , so I'm forced to do another tag. For this one, you put your iTunes on shuffle, ask a question, then push play and have the name of the song be that answer to that question. Here it goes!

1. If someone says, "This is okay." What do you say? Wild Pack of Family Dogs - Modest Mouse

2. What would best describe your personality? Lips of an Angel - Hinder

3. What do you like in a guy/girl? The Scientist - Coldplay

4. How do you feel about today? High and Dry by Radiohead

5. What is your life's purpose? If You Wait for Me - Tracy Chapman

6. What is your motto? Better Together - Jack Johnson

7. What do you think of your parents? Buddy Holly - Weezer

8. What do you friends think of you? I Can Still Feel You - Colin Raye

9. What do you think about frequently? Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town - Pearl Jam

10. What is 2 +2? Over You - Daughtry

11. What do you think of your best friend? Blackbird - Sarah McLachlan

12. What do you think of your spouse? Gracie - Ben Folds

13. What is your life story? Collide - Howie Day

14. What do you want to be when you grow up? Creep - Radiohead

15. What do you think when you seen the person you love? Australia - The Shins

16. What do your parents think of you? Still Fighting It - Ben Folds

17. What will be the dance at your wedding? Daughter - Pearl Jam

18. What will they play at your funeral? Say it Ain't So - Weezer

19. What is your favorite hobby? Fred Jones Part 2 - Ben Folds

20. What is your biggest secret? Bubble Toes - Jack Johnson

21. What do you think of your friends? El Sorcho - Weezer

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My New Baby

Meet the newest member of the family.

I think I'll call her Jet.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Image Tag

I guess I'm tagging myself! I've seen this post on a few different blogs and wanted to do it to. What you do is put the answer to the question in a Google Image search and pick a picture from the first 3 pages of results. Here's what I found:

My first name: Michelle
I used to be obsessed with Michelle Williams because she was on Dawson's Creek!

My Middle Name: Egan.
Apparently this cat's name is Egan.

My Last Name: Cannon.
I thought about posting the obvious - a cannon - but I liked this picture of Cannon Beach better than a weapon.

My Age: 25
Well I don't really get this cartoon. Do you??

So far my favorite vacation spot was when I got to take Ashley and Gracie to Sea World.
But there are a lot of other places in the world I'd like to eventaully visit.

A Past Love: Devon Sawa
Holy cow did I love this boy!! I'm pretty sure I had this exact picture that I ripped from Teen Magazine or something hung in my room for years!

My College Major: Health Education

If I was going to do it all over -- I'd go to school to be an ultrasonographer.

Where did you grow up: Alpine, UT

Where do you live now: American Fork ,UT

A Past Pet: A Goat
Well, believe it or not, we actually had a goat for a bout a week when I was in high school. My sister, Erika, and I actually killed it. It was an accident- the poor little goat seemed to be getting ill and we overdosed it with Triaminic. My dad found it dead in the morning. It was really sad! No one should take care of animals when they really don't know what they're doing!! Too bad I don't even remember it's name.

A Friend's Nickname: T
I've called my friend Tawnya "T" for quite sometime. Her husband calls her that, too. It's just so much shorter than her real name.

My First Job: Kohler's
When I turned 16 I got my first job at Kohler's in Highland. It was horrible. I went to work at 3:30am until about 7, when I went home and slept forever. For the first couple weeks of the job, I was finishing up my sophmore year of high school. I was also the only girl on the freight crew, so I got hit on non-stop! It was really annoying back then - mostly because I was so shy. I also almost cut my whole finger off with a box cutter once. It wouldn't stop bleeding and my mom would keep waking me up during my morning nap to make sure I hadn't really passed out.

My Favorite Food: Chicken Scampi from Olive Garden
I love love love Olive Garden! Chicken Scampi is delicious! Especially paired with their salad and breadsticks! I think I know where I'm going to lunch tomorrow!!

My Favorite Color: Blue

But Ashley always says my favorite color is:

What I'm doing right now: Watching the Olympics!!
I love the Summer Olympics! Right now women's gymnastics is on! It's definitely one of my favorite events!

A Bad Habit: Staying Up Too Late
Well, I could really name several things here, but staying up too late and waking up too early is one of the worst! Especially when I'm staying up to do things like this post!!


Alpine Days Parade

Finally we made it to a parade this year!! We had SO MUCH fun at the Alpine Days parade! we walked down to the parade route with the fam from my parents house and got a sweet spot right at the beginning of the parade.

Once the sirens started, Ashley covered her ears. She's not a fan of loud noises.

But they watched pretty intently at all the passing floats.

We had so much candy thrown at us. Candy as well as water!! Me and my mom and brother got sooo wet! But the girls love the candy we got.

You can't really tell, but this bag is chuck full of candy -- mostly taffy which we'll just throw away.

Gracie loved riding in the stroller on the way home

while Ashley liked sitting on Grandpa's shoulders and rubbing is shaved head.

AF Canyon with the Fam

We love summer because we can go play in the canyon! Every few Mondays we go up and have dinner and hang out with my family, including Uncle Clay. We always go to the same camp site and Ashley loves to play on this rock.

Last week the McConnells came and brought a game of Horseshoes. The boys had fun playing it and Andrea had fun taking pictures of them playing it.

Here's my Mom, Erika, and Uncle Clay. Clay always goes up earlier than the rest of us and gets the fire all ready for our foil dinners. We wouldn't be able to do it without him!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More on Jay

I have a lot of pictures on my computer and email right now of Jay and his family. I wanted to post just a couple of my favorites. In both of these first couple pictures I think Marcie looks so gorgeous and so happy with Jay.

This is probably the last family picture the Adamsons had all together because now Riley is serving in Sweden. He's being so strong, along with the rest of the family.

On Tuesday we had his viewing, and Wednesday was the funeral. Marcie and all the kids got up and said a little something at the funeral. It was beautiful and emotional, along with the rest of the service. It's hard to talk about because the emotions are still so close to the surface, but I think Marcie and the kids are amazing. I love them so much!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Uncle Jay

On Saturday we got the heartbreaking news that Jay is gone. He went hiking in the Lakeside mountains on the west side of the Great Salt Lake early Wednesday morning because he was missing his son, Riley. Riley is serving an LDS mission in Sweden and has been there a total of 4 days now. This particular spot he went to was his and Riley's favorite spot. I found out he was missing on Friday morning when my Dad, Mom, my brother Matt and many others went searching for him. My husband, Matt, went out later in the day with men from my parents ward. They all searched so hard and so long without any results. Saturday morning came and there were even more volunteers to help find him. The news came in around 11am that someone had found his body. It appears that Jay had fall off a cliff very early on Wednesday morning. He still had all his water, insulin, and food untouched, although his mom said he had a candy wrapper in his hand when they found him. But since it was such a rugged, hot area, and his water was still sealed, his brothers said they believe it happened within 30 minutes of leaving his car. He had texted his wife, Marcie, that morning once he got to the top of the mountain to tell her where he was. Thankfully we know from that text where to look for him. Our hearts are breaking for his family of 6 children who will miss him so much. We're praying for Marcie to be comforted and to feel our love.

I'm very grateful today for the sealing ordinance that binds this family together throughout eternity. It's comforting to know that this is not the end of their lives together. I know that Heavenly Father's hand is in every experience we have and that He is watching over all his family and his friends right now.