Saturday, May 24, 2008

Marriage Tag

I haven't done a tag for a while, so here we go! I also tag Sarah Turpin, Marianne Firth , Shaina Bale, Cherilyn Oliver, and Mary McKee. Have fun!

How Long have you been married? As I noted in the last post, we just had our 5 year anniversary. And, as a side note, we've moved 7 times since we've been married. Yikes!

How old is your spouse? As I noted in the second to last post, Matt is 27 years old. He's 2 years older and wiser than I am.

Who eats more? Well, it depends on the meal. Matt can down a lot of food, but I can give him a run for his money if I really like it.

Who said I love you first? Matt said it first, after a very short amount of time spent dating. It didn't take me much longer, though. He said it first while we were on a walk at BYU-Idaho one night. It was very sweet.

Who is taller? Matt is taller (by 6ish inches), but that's not a hard thing to do. Being 5ft. 2in (on a good day), pretty much everyone is taller than me.

Who sings better? Well, I would have to say that I do. Maybe it's just that I like to sing more, so I do it more often.

Who is smarter? We're pretty equal, but have different strengths. He's very logical and I'm not at all.

Who controls the TV remote? Matt's pretty obsessed with being in control of the TV, so usually he's in charge. But I have my lucky days when I get the power!

Whose temper is worse? I guess I get angry more often, but when he gets mad, he REALLY gets mad! (for about 30 seconds and it's over)

Who does the laundry? I do it the most often, but Matt's picked up the slack a lot more lately.

Who does the dishes? I do it the most, but every once in a while Matt will help me out. Thanks, Matt, cuz I know how much you hate it!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? When looking toward the headboard, I do. Matt can only sleep on the left, but I'm pretty flexible. I'd rather sleep on the left because it's further fron the door, but this works, too!

Who cooks dinner? We've been pretty even lately, but now that Matt has a job, I'll be making it the majoirity of the time.

Who is more stubborn? ummm, definitely me.

Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Definitely Matt.

Whose parents do you see the most? We see the Egans the most because we live so close to them. We love the times when we get to see the Cannons, though!

Who has more friends? Matt makes friends with eveyone everywhere he goes. I'm more shy, so he definitely has a lot more friends than I do.

Who has more siblings? Matt has 2 sisters, and I have 3 sisters and 1 brother. But we do have a niece, a nephew, and another one on the way on his side.

Who wears the pants in the family? We usually share the pants.


Andrea Ingersoll said...

Thanks for doing my tag! I think those tags are so fun to read! Matt might be two years older, but I wouldn't sya two years wiser. You're a smartie pants....with a good voice! Love ya!!!

Brandon and Lindsay said...

ha ha good tag! I still need to do mine. Yes like Ange said, we all know you are a smartie pants! I can't believe Matt is 27- that seems so old!