I was tagged by Melissa and Andrea. So here it goes!
1-The best thing you cooked this week: Well this is embarassing. Matt was out of town so all I "cooked" were meals for Ashley and Gracie like PB&J, mac and cheese, soup, or chicken nuggets. I really liked my ham and swiss cheese sandwiches I had, though :)
2- If money and time were no object, where would you go and with whom? I know it sounds cliche, but I'd love to go to Hawaii with my family. It's never a family vacation without my dad - he makes everything so much more fun! And taking my little girls there would be awesome!
3- Last time you cried: Oh geez.... Let's just say that I never cry . . . . sound good??
4- Things you were doing 10 years ago: WOW 10 years ago I was almost 15! I don't think I even remember what I was doing - my best friends were Tawnya and Sara, (and some other boys we don't talk about anymore) We watched a lot of movies, and ate a lot of popcorn. We made eachother laugh a lot and that's about when we started skipping a lot of class. (OOPS)
5-5 things you did today: Let's pretend that today was a normal Friday - instead of a child-being-sick-Friday. I go to the gym, go to school, come home and TRY to get the kids to nap, go to work, grab something to eat on the way home and meet the Turpins at our house to play games, scrapbook or play video games (depending on the gender), and eat.
6-5 favorite snacks: I love chocolate pudding, popcorn, Muddy Buddies, Kit Kat Bars, and Scor bars. But now I have to snack on snow peas, oranges, apples, green beans and chocolate pudding (but don't tell :).
7- 5 bad habits: Yikes - do I really have to admit these?? OKAY, OKAY - eating out (since I work til 8 every night), forgetting to bathe the kids for a couple days, watching The Bachelor instead of doing homework, eating in my car, and eating delicious cookies.
8- 5 favorite foods: I love Chinese food, sub sandwiches, Mom's stuffed green peppers, chicken and rice, and all desserts !!
9- 5 places you've been: I've had a lot of cool experiences in travel in the U.S. - my favorites were, New York City, Washington D.C., Newport Beach, CA with my Mom's fam, Niagra Falls (I guess that was in Canada), and of course IDAHO!!
10- Favorite memory I've had way too many fun and memorable experiences to name just one! Getting married and having kids has been awesome! Everyday Ashley and Gracie makesme laugh in some new way and it becomes a new favorite memory . . . everyday it's something new.
11: 5 people I tag Well I think everyone I know has been tagged already. But I'll have to tag my sister Lindsay, Sarah Turpin, and Cherilyn Oliver. Sorry that's all I got!!