Saturday, April 25, 2009

Birthdays and Easter

My Dad's big birthday bash was last year for the big 5-0. This year we all got together and had delicious Wingers food for the celebration. It was fun! There are so many things I love about my dad. He's a great example of diligience. He always does what he thinks is best no matter what others may say. He values education and is constantly searching for truth and knowledge. He has always encouraged me to continue education and I'm so grateful for that. He's a big reason why I'm graduating from UVU next week. He's so loving and thinks about others all the time. And you know what? He's a blast to be with. Whether we're watching Biggest Loser, playing cards in St. George, or driving around town, he always makes me laugh. I'm so luck to have him in my life. Here's to another 51 years, Dad!! :)Ashley's birthday is a couple days after Dad's. She had several days of celebrations! I'll be adding more pics of her birthday here in a couple days. But Ashley has been such a blessing in my life. She's brought so much love and laughter into my life the past 4 years. Despite all the challenges a 4 year old brings - there's even more happiness and fun. I'm finding out that the older they get, the more fun I have with them. She's just a giant sponge for information. It's amazing how fast she picks up on everything - good and bad. She teaches me to be better all the time. I honestly don't know what I'd do in life with her and Gracie. I love her so much!

Easter was a week later. Ashley and Gracie LOVED searching for eggs. The Easter Bunny came to our house Sunday morning then they also got to look for eggs at my parent's house. Ashley and Graice played with te eggs all day. One of them would run back to my parent's room and wait for the other one to hide all the eggs in the family room for the other one to come find. Theye had so much fun just togther! Ashley would hide the eggs under Grandpa's chin or under Austin's hat. Silly girl.

A couple days before Easter was Lindsay's birthday. Our spring is full of Egan birthdays! Andrea, Mom, Ashley and Gracie made Lindsay a beautiful cake together. The girls have so much fun while they're at Grandma's! Happy Bday Linz!

I have such an amazing family I have so many great people in my life that I just love so much! Thanks for everything, guys!